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+ADw-br /+AD4-Investor Relations is a daily task -- not only when you announce your financial earnings(yearly or
quarterly) or during the yearly exercise of releasing the Annual Report. Your Investor Relation (IR)
efforts need to reach your audience on a daily basis. Hence, besides a corporate website, having a
microsite is a good idea. Having your own IR microsite demonstrates your corporate transparency
and professionalism and verifies your company's financial brand. An IR microsite is the easiest
and most cost-effective way to keep your investment community up-to-date with developments
within the company. Without an IR microsite, you stand the risk of turning away almost half of
your potential investors.
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-ir-new-content+ACIAPg-
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+ADw-td colspan+AD0AIg-2+ACI- valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-So, let us study 5 specific ways how you can make your own IR microsite stand out:+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td width+AD0AIg-31+ACI- valign+AD0AIg-top+ACI- style+AD0AIg-font-weight:bold+ADs- color:+ACM-2b557e+ADsAIgA+-1.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td width+AD0AIg-463+ACI- valign+AD0AIg-top+ACI- style+AD0AIg-font-weight:bold+ADs- color:+ACM-2b557e+ADsAIgA+-HIGHLIGHT YOUR FINANCIAL BRAND+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgA8-strong+AD4-The information era has changed the environment of financial
disclosure. Periodic and historical financial statements are no
longer sufficient to make capital market decisions. In today's era,
stakeholders demand fast, transparent and easy-to-understand
information. It is thus important to move a step further than
simply engaging with shareholders through your annual/quarterly
financial earnings or the annual report. You need to highlight your
financial brand through your IR microsite to showcase information
transparency, visibility and 24/7 availability to investors. The prime
objective of the microsite will be to share adequate financial
information with stakeholders, helping them take appropriate
investment decisions. The need for a microsite is felt due to the
requirement of sharing increased information with stakeholders.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACI- style+AD0AIg-font-weight:bold+ADs- color:+ACM-2b557e+ADsAIgA+-2.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACI- style+AD0AIg-font-weight:bold+ADs- color:+ACM-2b557e+ADsAIgA+-HAVE A CLEAR COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Make sure you have a proper communications strategy to make your
voice being heard by the right people. Make your Investor Relation
Officers put your web marketing hats and think differently to
structure the microsite. The first port of call for an investor is usually
the website (microsite, in this case) whether to research on the
company, for initial understanding or to gain an update on business
performance. Here's what you can do:+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td colspan+AD0AIg-2+ACI- valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgA8-img src+AD0AIg-img/img55.jpg+ACI- alt+AD0AIgAi- width+AD0AIg-494+ACI- height+AD0AIg-106+ACI- /+AD4APA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-a.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Describe how the model will be executed by non-banking+ADw-br /+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-b.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Break ground by using video for earnings call and also its transcript.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-c.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Share organisational goals and objectives, with details such as mix
of risk, return and growth, weighted average cost of capital and cash
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-d.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Disclose information on a real-time basis and increase the
accessibility of financial and non-financial information.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-e.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Provide access to investor presentations, analyst meets, workshops and site tours.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-f.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Structure the microsite such that readers can navigate quickly.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-g.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Provide relevant information. The more relevant the information
is, the better stakeholders are prepared and better the company is
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-h.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Ensure dedicated content for important sections (like Corporate
Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility).+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-i.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Respond quickly to investors. When you put a 'Contact Us' form or
put a direct phone number on your microsite, ensure the respective
department replies timely.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACI- style+AD0AIg-font-weight:bold+ADs- color:+ACM-2b557e+ADsAIgA+-3.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACI- style+AD0AIg-font-weight:bold+ADs- color:+ACM-2b557e+ADsAIgA+-MAKE YOUR IR MICROSITE GIVE MORE+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Being a 'growth oriented' company, you need to practice how your IR
microsite can become a proactive tool for growth. How do you get
more people to visit your site. Your IR measurement efforts are often
aided by your IR microsite. Bring meaningful value to your microsite
by sharing more with your investors. With increasing stakeholder
expectations, your IR microsite should provide useful, timely, up-todate
financial and non-financial information to investors, analysts
and traders. A commercially built IR site is a content-driven micro
site, akin to corporate products and services microsites. Don't make it
a simple data-feed library serving only data feed. Focus on targeting
peer and competition benchmarking, conferences, one-on-one
meetings and marketing ROI. Make it information-rich through
which you can make them understand your vision and affirm their
confidence in your management team's ability to execute this vision.+ADw-br /+AD4-
+ADw-br /+AD4-
Consider your IR microsite as an inbound marketing and sales
pitch. Use it to demonstrate your products, introduce the board,
showcase your business partners and continually market your value
proposition, as it is this information that reinforces your company's
credibility and its leadership. Provide a broad set of information
concerning the financial performance of your Company, pricing of
your company's shares as well as non-financial information relevant
for the financial markets. Make sure to offer easy links to frequentlyaccessed
information and also to relevant industry groups and
related websites.+ADw-br /+AD4-
+ADw-br /+AD4-
An important rule is to update the information regularly. It is
important to update the information regularly and check if the
links are current. Make sure the information is factual, succinct, upto-
date and supportive of the business investment case. Another
important point is to ensure your Home Page offers the most unique
and compelling content +AOIAgACT- like your IR presentation. These IR-related
slides should be uploaded on your site up-front and centre. Another
thing to be considered+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-p style+AD0AIg-font-size:18px+ADsAIgA+ACY-nbsp+ADsAPA-/p+AD4-
+ADw-p style+AD0AIg-font-size:18px+ADsAIgA+ACY-nbsp+ADsAPA-/p+AD4-
+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-ir-new-content-col2+ACIAPgA8-table width+AD0AIg-494+ACI- border+AD0AIg-0+ACI- cellspacing+AD0AIg-0+ACI- cellpadding+AD0AIg-0+ACIAPg-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACI- style+AD0AIg-font-weight:bold+ADs- color:+ACM-2b557e+ADsAIgA+-4.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACI- style+AD0AIg-font-weight:bold+ADs- color:+ACM-2b557e+ADsAIgA+-MAKE YOUR MICROSITE +ACY-quot+ADs-SHAREHOLDER COMMUNICATION+ACY-quot+ADs- EFFECTIVE+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-Make sure you have a comprehensive investor communications
section on the microsite. Maximise the communication value
by committing yourself to provide meaningful insight to best
communicate with stakeholders. Do not short change your message
to shareholders. The bottom line is to tell your compelling and
confirmable story effectively through the website to gain investors'
attention. Understand your valuable audience and build shareholder
trust to build shareholder value. Try to have a one-to-one connect
with shareholders. Target active investors and make them sign
up for news and mail alerts to provide more insights on inbound
investor targeting. Use your web marketing methodologies to forge
a deeper relationship with shareholders. Better the content and
outbound communications generated, the stronger the inbound
communication and deeper the relationship with shareholders.
Display your willingness to be open with shareholders and
to understand their need for diverse information on financial
performance, corporate governance and responsibility. This
encourages your shareholders to learn more about the Company,
your business and performance.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td colspan+AD0AIg-2+ACI- valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgA8-img src+AD0AIg-img/img56.jpg+ACI- alt+AD0AIgAi- width+AD0AIg-494+ACI- height+AD0AIg-385+ACI- /+AD4APA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td width+AD0AIg-31+ACI- valign+AD0AIg-top+ACI- style+AD0AIg-font-weight:bold+ADs- color:+ACM-2b557e+ADsAIgA+-5.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td width+AD0AIg-463+ACI- valign+AD0AIg-top+ACI- style+AD0AIg-font-weight:bold+ADs- color:+ACM-2b557e+ADsAIgA+-CONTENT IS KING+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-The most important attribute of your IR microsite is to publish
unique content, making it an essential destination for existing
stakeholders and prospective investors. The better content and
outbound communications generated, the better it is to engage
with prospective investors. Present your content in an organized
and transparent manner. Use your content to drive traffic as an
inbound investor targeting tool. Give your inbound investors a
deeper quantitative dive into your financial content and a qualitative
view of understanding your goals and management ethics. Ensure
you publish unique content on your website and establish it as an
important destination.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td colspan+AD0AIg-2+ACI- valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgA8-img src+AD0AIg-img/img57.jpg+ACI- alt+AD0AIgAi- width+AD0AIg-494+ACI- height+AD0AIg-153+ACI- /+AD4APA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td colspan+AD0AIg-2+ACI- valign+AD0AIg-top+ACI- style+AD0AIg-font-weight:bold+ADs- color:+ACM-2b557e+ADsAIgA+-CONCLUSION:+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td colspan+AD0AIg-2+ACI- valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPg-It is important to understand what is expected from the global
investment community and to make material content available on the
microsite, such as your earnings call and guidance. The key is to follow up
with investors and deepen your relationship with those who took time to
listen to your earnings call, since these are your potential leads. Make sure
all your content is 'share-ready' as investors share ideas and news using
social networking sites. Have social media links on your IR web pages and
news releases and have news releases automatically sent into the social
stream.+ADw-br /+AD4-
+ADw-br /+AD4-
The trend is to upload the entire Annual Report on your IR microsite (in
downloadable format) rather than only presenting financials. Current
and potential investors do read Annual Reports to see what you've
been doing and what are your future plans. An Annual Report is an
important content piece with unique communication value. Consider this
as an important communications opportunity, beyond just regulatory
compliance and accounting. You can also add interactive annual reports,
interim reports, analyst presentations and press releases in accessible
format on the microsite.+ADw-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgA8-div align+AD0AIg-right+ACIAPgA8-em+AD4-- IR Connect+ADw-br /+AD4-
Editorial Team+ADw-/em+AD4APA-/div+AD4APA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-td valign+AD0AIg-top+ACIAPgAm-nbsp+ADsAPA-/td+AD4-
+ADw-strong+AD4APA-br /+AD4-
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+ADwAIQ---+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-advisory-box+ACIAPg-
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+ADw-div class+AD0AIg-advise-cont+ACIAPg-
+ADw-h2+AD4-Tarquin Edwards+ADw-/h2+AD4-
+ADw-h2+AD4-Director (Peckwater Dickenson Limited, UK)+ADw-/h2+AD4-
+ADw-h2+AD4-Member, Advisory Council+ADw-/h2+AD4-
+ADw-p+AD4-Tarquin has a Masters degree from Oxford University (Christ Church) in Byzantine Studies and has a BA Hons degree from the University of London (Royal Holloway) in Ancient and Medieval History. He founded Peckwater PR in 2009 following over 15 years in the City of London in the financial PR industry. He has advised on a large number of M+ACY-A and IPO transactions as well as providing crisis communications and litigation support. He has considerable experience co-ordinating and implementing media and IR campaigns for mid to smaller quoted and privately owned companies. He was a principal in the team voted financial PRs of the year in 2006. Tarquin's earlier career at other agencies has encompassed Dewe Rogerson, Millham Communications, Holborn PR, Binns +ACY- Co and Adventis Financial PR (part of the Adventis Group plc), out of which Peckwater was borne following an MBO. Prior to entering the world of financial PR, Tarquin began his career in the Fine Art world, working for Wildenstein +ACY- Co Ltd, the international fine art dealers.+ADw-/p+AD4-
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